Applied Medical Research. 2024;
Use of Mathematical Methods in Oncology
Aleksandr Tsybin
Solitons are non-linear oscillations that exist in a number of objects, including those in DNA. They appear
there because histone tails oscillate with great frequency. Solitons arise as a result of the rapid fluctuation
of histone tails in the DNA of any biological object, be it an animal or a person. Up to a certain age, these
fluctuations are useful for a given biological object, but with age they begin to harm it, which can lead,
in particular, to cancer. These oscillations are described by the nonlinear equation Cartwe de la Friese,
which in the literature is abbreviated as: K.D.F. IN article, the author made an attempt to prove that the
energy of these fluctuations contributes to the fact that a mutation occurs in the genes Sonic Hedgehog,
a mutation in terms of physics, as E. Schrodinger, this is the transition of a substance from one state of
aggregation into another. This transition in nature is carried out due to absorption or release of energy.
If in any way not give energy to these genes, then such a mutation cannot be realized and no neoplasms
will arise, and this may become one of the real ways to fight skin cancer. Basic ratios.