Applied Medical Research. 2021;
Outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Comorbid Patients
Kaiser Jamil*, Kavitha Kumari Kakarala and Ramesh Maturi
The year 2020 has brought previously unseen challenges upon humankind. A new corona virus, spread at
an unprecedented speed globally stormed the entire planet bringing life to almost a standstill with several
months of lockdown. What is still sticking in our minds is –when will the pandemic end? or will it ever
end? This article is a short review of COVID-19 patients who were already suffering from diseases such
as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and COPD and other respiratory diseases. We analyzed all
articles which discuss the role of the comorbidities in predisposing people to coronavirus SARS- COV-2 and
the associated fatalities. However, there are contradictory reports, and in a scenario where the mechanism
of infection and resistance to infection and variation in the severity of infection is observed, the role of
comorbidities must be evaluated with more data. This article presents an analysis of the fatalities and
the role of comorbidities reported from the onset of SARS-COV-2 to present. Further, healthcare support
system for the already suffering people was largely neglected during this period, as hospitals were
overcrowded with COVID-19 patients. The aim of the article is also to appraise the neglect of primary
health care during the COVID-19 pandemic which has been a concern globally and suggest methods to
minimize such neglect in future.