Applied Medical Research. 2024;
Microneedling along Topical 5‑Fluorouracil in the Treatment of Stable Resistant Vitiligo
Ahmed Al Waily, Ahmed Al Hinai* and Ana Maria
Background: Vitiligo poses a challenge to all dermatologists with a major socio-psychological concern.
Despite the available various numerous treatment modalities, a unique innovative universally reliable
therapeutic modality is yet to emerge due to the disparity of response among different patients.
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy of microneedling along with the
application of topical 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of stable localized vitiligo. Research Methods: This
study is intended to be a quasi, nonrandomized experimental design with the inclusion of 28 patients
having localized stable vitiligo based on convenient sampling methods with certain inclusion criteria.
Microneedling along with the application of topical 5-FU will be performed once every 2 weeks for a total
duration of 6 months. The Epi-data software will be used for data collection, analysis and interpretation.
Excellent results in terms of 50-75% repigmentation of the initial vitiligo macule/patch is expected with
the 6 months period based on a previous recent study conducted within a similar scope. No major ethical
concerns are associated with this study. Funding is required in regards to covering the expense of the
instrument (i.e. derma roller) and medication (topical 5-FU cream/solution) used.
Results: At the end of 4 weeks, Grade I re-pigmentation was noted in approximately 46% and Grade II
repigmentation was seen in 46% whereas 8% showed Grade IV re-pigmentation. There was a statistically
significant difference in the proportion of re-pigmentation grade between week 2 and week 4 (McNemar-
Bowker test, P= 0.046). Discussion: We can say that needling with topical application of the 5-FU solution
is a simple, cost-effective, and safe modality without the need of extensive surgical instruments and
minimal side effects. It can be used as an alternative or additive method before, or in combination with
other approved methods for stable vitiligo.
Conclusion: We can say that microneedling with topical application of the 5-FU solution is a simple,
cost-effective, and safe modality without the need of extensive surgical instruments and minimal side
effects. It can be used as an alternative or additive method before, or in combination with other approved
methods for stable vitiligo.