Applied Medical Research. 2016;
Giant cell fibroma - A Case Report
Renita Lorina Castelino, Subhas G Babu, Preethi Balan, Urvashi Shetty, Anusha Rangare Laxmana, Fazil Kavungal Areekat, Kumuda Rao, Supriya Bhat
The Giant cell fibroma (GCF) is a lesion of fibrous connective tissue origin. The giant cell fibroma is a fibrous tumour with distinct clinicopathologic features which sets it apart from the conventional fibroma. The most common site for occurrence of giant cell fibroma is gingiva followed by tongue, buccal mucosa, palate, lip and floor of mouth. It is most commonly seen in the Caucasian population. It represents approximately 2% to 5% of all oral fibrous proliferations submitted for biopsy. GCF usually affects patients in the 2nd and 3rd decades of life with approximately 60% of cases found in the first three decades of life. We hereby present a case of a giant cell fibroma in the left buccal mucosa in a 38 year old female.