Applied Medical Research. 2020;
Applied investigation at Life Science, Hygiene, Biomedical Research in Medieval Islamic Civilization
Mohammadreza Shahidipak
There is a hypothesis in history of medicine that is based on human heritage of medieval
civilization and today in postmodern period it is referred to as medievalism or a return
to medieval teachings for reconstruction of societies. A large part of this historical capital
belongs to Islamic civilization in field of, hygiene, environmental protection and life
sciences, which has a practical application in changing behaviors of individual and society.
The subject of science of life and health is man and city as place of his creation, which is an
international issue and belongs to the human race in all places and times. One of medieval
events is emergence and movement of Islamic urban planning based on changes in lifestyle
and health and environmental protection, The Islamic city was formed in an atmosphere
of connection between preserving spiritual character of Man and preserving its material
character, Part of social theology of Islam is teachings of life sciences and health, and in
Islamic civilization, several specialized texts were compiled in this field. Islamic scientist
as Avicenna, Averroes in medieval did a lot of research on biological which led to the
emergence of hygiene, life science and nutrition. History of science have been attributed to
Islamic scholars, many biological studies the most important of which are: Invisible microorganisms As a factor in transmission of disease and pathological issues in recognizing
blood components and controlling its disruptive systems, toxicology and its applications,
exercise and nutrition and bath therapy and explaining the medical properties of food, the
environmental effects of climate and embryology and finding models an animal biology that
resemble and the causes and ways of treating epidemics, etc. In Islamic civilization, from
advent of Islam to end of medieval, there is an evolving and evolving collection of research
in field of health and life sciences which started from health teachings of Prophet of Islam
and after six centuries of development has been compiled by Averroes (1198). As medical
encyclopedia that is universal root of biological and health knowledge until twentieth
century. special quarantine facilities and exclusive hospital for special life of some patients
such as leprosy first appeared in Islamic civilization in north africa called;”AL- Demneh."
paper applied finding is that a kind of individual and social hygiene theology was formed in
medieval which still ensures individual and society health.