Applied Medical Research. 2024;
Therapeutic Effectiveness of using Papaya Leaves in the Treatment of Dental Diseases
Penjiyev AM* and Shagulyev P
The Purpose of the Study is to study the therapeutic - pharmacological effect of using papaya leaves
(Carica papaya L) grown in a solar greenhouse in an arid ecosystem in dental practice.
Materials and Methods: Prepared solution from the leaves of the melon tree (Carica papaya L) examined
23 patients in the clinic for the treatment of dental diseases.
Results: The resulting solution from papaya leaves can reduce the treatment period for purulent infections
in the oral cavity by two to three days, which in turn is important for the timely prevention of abscesses
and other therapeutic side effects. Agricultural technology has been developed for the possibility of
cultivation and technology for obtaining proteolytic enzymes from the leaves and fruits of the melon tree
in the conditions of Turkmenistan using renewable energy sources to create a microclimate.
Conclusion: The advantage of the proposed product compared to the known ones is that the treatment
uses an organic, natural composition of plant substances, which has effective properties in the treatment
of dental inflammatory diseases and wounds.