Applied Medical Research. 2024;
The Madness for Two Invites Herself in Forensic Psychiatry, about a Case
Bouguermouh Y
Madness for two is a rare, out dated psychiatric curiosity that is still relevant to a psychiatrist's practice.
Most theoretical data are based on case studies, attempting to understand and explain this disorder,
which poses nosographic and management problems and raises questions about the "contagion" of
the symptom in psychiatry. The aim of our work is to illustrate this rare disorder and to respond to the
various problems it poses. It presents a clinical case of madness for two in a couple. A review of the
literature in relation to our case has enabled us to highlight the clinical characteristics of this entity, the
conditions favoring the "contagion" of the symptom in psychiatry, the nosographic difficulty as well as the
therapeutic modalities of this concept.