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International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Indexed Journal Applied Medical Research ISSN: 2149 - 2018
Applied Medical Research. 2023; 10(1):(140-184)

Factors Associated with Utilization of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Methods among Women Attending Family Planning Clinic at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Western Uganda

Kairania Emmanuel, Angee Pius Ocan, Semuyaba Ibrahim, Adam Afodun and Kiyimba Kennedy

Background: Long-acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARCM) are highly effective and proven means of preventing unintended pregnancy and reducing maternal mortality. Social and economic characteristics are some of the key determinants of utilization of family planning. However, studies examining the factors associated with utilization of LARCM are limited in Bushenyi district, Uganda. This study therefore, assessed the factors associated with utilization of LARCM among women attending family planning clinic at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital. 

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used for this study. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire in an exit interview of clients that had come to Kampala International University Teaching Hospital for family planning services after obtaining consent. Collected data was entered and analyzed in the computer using IBM SPSS version 25. Chi-squared analysis was done to determine the factors associated with LARCM utilization. Results were presented in tables and charts for descriptive analysis. 

Results: A total of 272 women were included in this study of which, 67.6% (n=184) were aged 26 to 35 years, and the overall mean (±SD) age was 27.5 (± 4.5) years. 74.3. % (n=202) were married and 69.9% (n=190) were rural dwellers. A few of the participants (20.2%, n=55) were currently using LARCM. Of the 55 participants who were using LARC methods, majority 34 (61.8%) were using implants while the rest 21 (38.2%) were using IUCD. Significant factors were; woman’s age of ≤25 years (X2=72.43; P=<0.001), urban residence (X2=16.69; P=<0.001), being married (X2=25.19; P=<0.001), business occupation (X2=99.22; P=<0.001), Catholic religion (X2=61.38; P=<0.001), mother’s age at first delivery of 18-24 years (X2=24.61; P=<0.001), reproductive intention of spacing (X2=50.81; P=<0.001), never wanted the last pregnancy (X2=14.72; P=<0.001), Hospital as the source of FP information (X2=66.82; P=<0.001), partner influence on FP (X2=16.69; P=<0.001), FP counselling during ANC (X2=42.01; P=<0.001), receiving contraceptives from hospital (X2=151.61; P=<0.001) and receiving contraceptive services from the doctor (X2=226.13; P=<0.001). 

Conclusion and Recommendations: LARCM use was low and was associated with younger maternal age, urban residence, being married, business occupation, mother’s age at first delivery, desire for child spacing, partner influence on FP, FP counselling during ANC. Therefore, FP education about the benefits of LARCM should be enhanced by health providers and media.