7700 E Arapahoe Rd., Centennial, 80112-1268, CO, USA medicalresearch@onlinescientificresearch.info

International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Indexed Journal Applied Medical Research ISSN: 2149 - 2018
Applied Medical Research. 2021; 8(1):(117-184)

Clinical Findings of Patients with Human Bronchial Asthma in Basrah, Iraq

Ihsan Edan Alsaimary and Falih Hmood Mezban

This study aimed to describe the clinical features of patients asthma in Basrah south in Iraq .The study showed that (3,5) age group population were more affected with asthma (27.9%) and the Females were more affected than males in group 2,3and 5 (6.4%,15.7% and 14.7%)respectively compared to( 4.9%,12.3% and 13.2) . in same group of male. While There were (68.6%) of patients came from urban areas in comparison to (31.4%) of cases who came from rural areas. The Smoking patients with positive (43.1%). and well patients with animal contact positive their proportion was while (49%). Seasonal asthma attack in male (23.5%) more than female (20.6%) the perennial asthma attach was recorded in male (29%) more than female (26.9%) in this study show Asthmatic patients with other allergy about (15.7%) and with chronic diseases (31.9%). The percentage of patients with positive family history were 39.2% of the cases, The pulmonary function test result was recorded below (70%) in all age groups. Skin test where the study found highly percentage to HDm to female (76.8%) and (66.2%) to male and HD to female (69.5%) and (68.7%) to male.