7700 E Arapahoe Rd., Centennial, 80112-1268, CO, USA medicalresearch@onlinescientificresearch.info

International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Indexed Journal Applied Medical Research ISSN: 2149 - 2018
Applied Medical Research. 2024; 11(5):(157-181)

Characteristics and Outcome of Elderly Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit in Bahrain

Fatema Husain Mandeel, Hussein Hifnawi AlHafnawi, Hasan Mohamed Naser, Ebrahim Mohamed Alshaibah, Hawra Ahmed Salman, Aysha Asif Sarwani, Mahmood Kadhem Alsaeed and Ahmed Hashem Alsadah


Background: The elderly population is growing worldwide, leading to increased healthcare needs and

geriatric specialists.

Aim: Our study aims to explore the clinical characteristics and outcomes of elderly admitted to the

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC), Bahrain

Methods: The study followed a descriptive retrospective design via medical chart review over two years

(2021-2023) in the non-COVID-19 ICU at SMC. Elderly patients aged 70 years and above were included.

Baseline clinical characteristics and outcomes were captured and analyzed.

Results: 205 elderly patients were admitted to the non-covid-19 ICU; the mean age was 78.3 ± 1.75 years.

There were 54.6% (n=112) medical patients and 45.4% (n=93) surgical patients. The overall mortality

rate over the two-year study period was 28.8% (n=59). The ICU's mean length of stay (LOS) was 7.32

± 7.86 days. In multivariate analysis, 44.4% (n=91) of admitted patients were mechanically ventilated

on admission, and 27.8% (n=57) were on vasopressor. More than half of the patients underwent

central venous and urinary catheter insertion (64.9% (n=133) and 83.4% (n=171)). Our study revealed

a statistically significant association between patients with mechanical ventilation (p-value < 0.01),

urinary catheters (p-value < 0.01), inotropes (p-value < 0.01), and ICU death. Additionally, the number

of comorbidities and age does not affect the length of stay (p-value 0.77 and 0.58), and surgical patients

have significantly shorter LOS (p-value < 0.001).

Conclusion: During ICU stay, organ dysfunctions and infections had a significant impact on the outcomes

in elderly critically ill patients. The factors associated with mortality were mechanical ventilation and

vasopressors. Moreover, surgically admitted patients have shorter lengths of stay and better ICU
