Applied Medical Research. 2016;
Anti-hyperglycemic effect of Canarium schwenfurthii fruit oil on wistar rats
Idu MacDonald, Ovuakporie-Uvo Oghale, Seriki Cecilia Olajesu
Aim: The effect of oil got from the fruit pulp of Canarium schweinfurthii on normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats was evaluated. Methodology: Twenty four rats were divided into six groups of four each. Group 1 (normal rats) received 5 ml of distilled water, group 2 diabetic rats received STZ + 5 ml / kg b.w glibenclamide; groups 3,4 and 5 STZ-induced diabetic rats received 5 ml, 10 ml and 20 ml per b.w of C.s oil respectively while group 6 STZ-induced diabetic rats received no treatment. All treatments were orally administered using an oral-gastric tube for two weeks. Changes in blood glucose concentration were compared to positive (STZ + glibenclamide) and negative (STZ only) controls. Results: The oil showed positive effect against STZ-induced diabetic rats after 2 hrs at all dose levels tested. Daily administration of 10 ml / b.w of C.s oil showed similar activities as the reference drug (glibenclamide) and glucose reduction compared to STZ only. At 20 ml / b.w daily administration of C.s oil, mortality was observed. Conclusion: In conclusion, Canarium schweinfurthii fruit oil may be considered as a remedy for diabetes mellitus when administered at low doses (10 ml / bw and below) for long-term use. Further research is recommended.