7700 E Arapahoe Rd., Centennial, 80112-1268, CO, USA medicalresearch@onlinescientificresearch.info

International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Indexed Journal Applied Medical Research ISSN: 2149 - 2018
Applied Medical Research. 2024; 11(8):(163-181)

Surgery of Sphenoid Wing Meningioma with Vascular Encasement in Hadhramout University Al-Borj Hospital

Khalid Bin Madhi and Karim Abdelaziz Mohamed


Background: Sphenoid Wing Meningioma surgery is one of the challenging surgeries in the field of neurosurgery. This is due to either a vasculature encasement or the tumor invasion to optic canal or cavernous sinus. 

Objective: This study is developed mainly to assess the possibility of performing total excision of the tumor in order to decrease its compression on the neural structures and decrease brain edema. 

Method: During period from March 2014 - March 2022; 50 patients of Sphenoid Wing Meningioma underwent to surgery. 

Results: Headache was the most common presenting complain (60℅), followed by convulsions (20℅). The least common presenting complains were motor deficit (10℅), visual change (4%), and heaviness of speech (6%). The tumor was totally resected in the most cases (90℅) and only (10℅) remanent of the tumor was left in the cavernous sinus and the main vascular structure (ICA). However, these results depend on surgical strategy of our teachers who are learning it.